简要介绍了联合法ClO2 生产工艺 ,重点介绍了关于操作二氧化氯发生系统的几点体会 :控制NaCl、NaClO3 的质量浓度分别为 12 0± 5、4 5 0± 10 g/L ,盐酸质量分数为 (31± 0 .5 ) %且游离氯含量小于 1.0× 10 -5;吸收水量对产品二氧化氯溶液浓度的影响 ;控制发生器各室温度稳定 ;向发生器加酸要缓慢平稳 ;稳定各反应室加入的稀释空气量。
The integrated process of ClO 2 production was introduced briefly.The following experien ces on operating ClO 2 generator system were introduced emphatically.To make sure that the concentrations of NaCl,NaClO 3 are controlled as 120±5 and 450±10 g/L respectively,and mass ratio of hydrochloric acid as 31±0.5 per cent with free chlorine less than 1.0×10 -5 ;influence of amount of absorbing water on concentration of product ClO 2 solution;keep temperatures in generator chambers stable;acid is slowly and stably fed into generators;and stablizing amount of diluting air is added into every reaction chamber.Moreover,the structure of ClO 2 generator had been deduced.
Chlor-Alkali Industry