
肥胖症的药物治疗现状与展望 被引量:1

The present and future of anti-obesity drugs
摘要 肥胖是一个严重的公众健康问题 ,人们迫切希望能有安全、有效的减肥药物。目前用于减肥的药物主要有两类 :即西布曲明和赛尼可 ,前者主要抑制食物的摄取 ,后者抑制脂肪的吸收。由于对复杂的体重调节机制的认识越来越深入 ,很多新的减肥药物正在研制过程之中。目前正在研究的具有较大潜力的减肥药物共有 30余种 ,其中研究较多的有瘦素、黑皮质素受体激动剂、神经肽Y拮抗剂、β3 肾上腺素能受体激动剂、胰高血糖素样肽 -1激动剂以及激活或增加解偶联蛋白表达的药物。 Nowadays obesity is a public health problem, people hope to have safe and effective anti obesity drugs. Currently approved drugs for long term treatment of obesity including sibutramine which inhibits food intake, and orlistat which blocks fat digestion. Many active research programs are underway to develop new agents based on the rapidly expanding knowledge of the complex mechanisms regulating body weight. Leptin has undergone clinical trials and analogues are currently being developed. Other agents including melanocortin 4 receptor agonists, neuropeptide Y antagonists, glucagons like peptide 1 agonists,β 3 adrenergic receptor agonists and drugs activating or increasing the expression of uncoupling protein.
作者 欧阳金芝
出处 《临床内科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第3期168-170,共3页 Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine
关键词 肥胖 治疗 药物疗法 脂肪酯抑制剂 Obesity/therapy Drug therapy
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