目的 :探讨在综合医院精神科开展集体心理治疗的效果 .方法 :整合不同流派的集体心理治疗技术 ,以精神科住院患者及陪护亲属为干预对象 ,自行设计《集体心理治疗效果反馈表》对参与集体心理治疗的 38例患者、 2 2例陪护亲属进行调查分析 .结果 :参与集体治疗的患者“感到快乐”占 84 2 % ,而陪护亲属“感到快乐”占 2 2 9% (χ2 =2 5 9,P <0 0 0 1) .患者评价较好的前 5位项目依次为 :“医患关系有改善” ;“医护积极参加” ;“患者积极参与”与“患者与陪护亲属关系有改善” ;“患者依从性有改善”与“参与者综合能力进步” ;“参与者增加了自信”与“陪护亲属积极参加” .陪护亲属组评价较好的前五位项目依次为 :“患者与陪护亲属关系有改善”与“患者积极参与” ;“内容丰富”与“参与者增强了自信” ;“陪护亲属积极参与”与“参与者综合能力进步” ;“医护积极参与”与“患患关系有改善” ;“患者依从性有改善” .结论
Objective: To study the effect of group psychotherapy in the department of psychiatry of general hospital. Method: Using different forms of group psychotherapy to treat the inpatients and the accompanying relatives, and collected answers to 13 questions on the treatment effect from 38 patients and 22 accompanying relatives of patients. Results: On the item of 'Are you happy during the group psychotherapy?' there are 32 'yes' among 38 patients' answers(84.2%) and 5 'yes' among the 22 accompanying relatives(22.9%). It is significantly different between the patients' group and the family companies' (χ 2 =25.9, P<0.001). The top five items commented well by the patients group are in order bellow: physician-patient relation, staff's participation, patients' participation / the relation between the patients and the accompany relatives, patients' compliance, the improvement of the participants' functions, participants' confidence/ participation of the accompanying relatives. The top five items commented well by the accompanying relatives are in order below: the relation between the accompanying relatives and the patients/patients' participation, the abundance of the psychotherapy/self-confidence of the participants increasing, the improvement of the participants' functions/ participation of the accompanying relatives, the staff's participation/patients' relation, patients' compliance. Conclusion: Group psychotherapy can be used in the department of psychiatry of general hospital.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
General hospital
Department of psychiatry
Group psychotherapy