了解原发性肝细胞癌 (HCC)患者HCV基因型分布现状及其关系。选择山西省肿瘤医院 1996年间住院的HCVRNA阳性、临床上确诊的HCC患者血清标本 13份 ,非肝癌癌症患者血清标本 15份 ,1996 - 1997年HCVRNA阳性的公共场所从业人员血清标本 15份 ,用特异性引物进行RT -PCR基因分型。结果表明 ,13例HCVRNA阳性的HCC患者 ,除 1例未能分型外 ,其余 12例均为HCV 1b型 (10 0 % )。 15例非肝癌癌症患者 ,除 13例 (86 6 7% )为 1b型感染者外 ,其余均为 2a型 (13 33% )。 15例从业人员中 ,不仅检出了 1b型感染 (86 6 7% ) ,还检出 2a型、1/2混合型各 1例。所有标本中 1b型、2a型、1b/2a混合型的构成分别为 38/42 (90 4 8% )、3/42(7 14 % )、1/42 (2 38% ) ,以 1b型的比例最高 ,未检出 1a、2b和 3a型。证明HCVRNA 1b型与HCC的关系较为密切 。
Objective To realize the distribution and relationship between Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) and genotype of HCV. Method 43 of HCV-RNA positive sera were selected. They were 13 of confirmed Hepatocellular carcinoma HCC) cases, 15 of other cancer cases and 15 of professionals in public services. Genotyping of HCV RNA was conducted using type specific primers induced from core region of HCV on these samples. Result 12 samples were genotyping positive and only 1b (100%) was found in HCC cases. There had not only 1b (13/15 86.67%), but also had 2a (2/15 13.33%) genotype in other cancer cases. Three kinds of infection by genotype 1b (86.67%), 2a (6.67%) and 1b/2a (6.67%) mixture were found in professionals of public services. No genotype of 1a, 2b, and 3a were detected. The distribution rate of 1b, 2a and 1b/2a mixture was 90.48%, 7.14% and 2.38% respectirely. The predominant genotype was 1b. Conclusion The genotype of HCV-RNA 1b was related with HCC. It was also the predominant genotype of HCV in Shanxi.
Disease Surveillance