选择北京鸭、英国樱桃谷鸭、美国枫叶鸭、法国番鸭各 1 0 0羽 (公、母各半 )在同一条件下进行对比试验 ,结果表明 ,美国枫叶鸭的肉用性能明显优于其它 3个品种 ,饲养 47d可齐毛上市 ,平均体重为 31 32 g、而樱桃谷鸭为 2 81 5 g、北京鸭为 2 780 g、法国番鸭为 1 75 3g,经屠宰测定 ,枫叶鸭全净膛率达 76.40 % ,均高于樱桃谷鸭 ( 74.1 8% )、北京鸭 ( 74.41 % )、法国番鸭 ( 72 .2 1 % )。另外 。
The performance test was made under identical ecological environment with four main breeds of meat duck: Beijing Duck and British Cherry Valley Duck and American Maple Leaf Duck and Fance Muscovy Duck The results showed that: The feathers of American Maple Leaf Duck are better than the other breeds in the meat production performance: They have fulfilled the requirement for sale at 47 days, with the average body weight 3 132 g, and of British Cherry Valley Duck maked 2 815 g, and of Beijing Duck maked 2 780 g, and of Muscovy Duck maded 1 753 g The result of dressing show that: the brawn dressing percentage of American Maple Leaf Duck which was 76 4% was higher than that of the others, 74 41% for Beijing Duck, 74 18% for British Cherry Valley duck, 72 21% for France Muscovy Duck This test also analysed with regression the relationship between the weight and forage consumption.
Ecology of Domestic Animal
meat duck
production performance
dressing percentage