早期断奶仔猪消化道酶系发育尚未健全 ,胃内 p H值升高 ,易发腹泻。低蛋白氨基酸平衡日粮可显著降低仔猪断奶后腹泻和提高仔猪的生长速度 ,第一限制性氨基酸、赖氨酸在日粮中的含量以 1 .65 %~ 1 .80 %为最佳 ,日粮中的蛋白质原料以动物性蛋白质为主 ,添加饲用酸化剂、脂肪、酶制剂和抑菌促生长剂都能提高仔猪对蛋白质的消化率和减少腹泻发生。日粮中钙水平控制在 0 .5 8%~ 0 .80 %之间。高铜日粮能提高仔猪的日增重和饲料效率。高锌和含砷制剂日粮能促进仔猪食欲 。
The function of digestive ferment of early weaned piglets is not perfect The piglets have high ph value in stomach and high incidence of Diarrhea Low protein balanced diet can markedly decrease diarrhea and raise the daily gain of weaned piglets The content of the first limited Amino Acid lysine in diet is 1 65%~1 80% Animal protein is the primary protein source in diet Adding feed Acidification, Fat, Enzyme preparation and Microorganism Depressor can raise digestibility of protein and decrease the incidence of Diarrhea The level of Calcium in diet is controlled in 0 58%~0 80% High Copper diet may promote daily gaily gain and feed conversion efficiency of piglets High Zinc and Arsenic preparation diet can stimulate appetite of piglets \;
Ecology of Domestic Animal