对嘉陵江北碚江段岩原鲤(Rocypris rabaudi Tchang)、中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbussinensis Bleeker)越冬期间腹脂皂化值、碘值的研究表明:1)越冬前期至中期,岩原鲤、中华倒刺鲃在越冬饥饿时,优先利用碳链较短、饱和性较高的脂肪酸,同时对碳链较长、不饱和性较高的脂肪酸有较高的存留率;越冬中期至后期,由于食物的补充,鱼体腹脂脂肪酸呈碳链变短、饱和性增强的趋势。2)越冬期间,随着水温的降低,岩原鲤、中华倒刺鲃腹脂脂肪酸不饱和性增高,反映了鱼体在低温下保持生物膜正常流动性的生理适应性。3)中华倒刺鲃腹脂脂肪酸不饱和性高于岩原鲤,与其活动能力强于岩原鲤有关。
The variation in abdominal fat properties of Rocypris rabaudi (Tchang)and Spinibar-bus sinensis( Bleeker) during overwintering was studied. It was found that 1) the fatty acid pro-file with shorter carbon chain and less unsaturated carbon - bond preferred to be utilized by twokinds of fish during the time from pre - wintering to transit - wintering, meanwhile the fatty acidprofile with longer carbon chain and more unsaturated carbon - bond was relented; During thepost - wintering, the fatty acid profile trended to increase it' s carbon chain and unsaturated car-bon - bond because of the more food intaken. 2) The unsaturated properties of the two kinds ofabdominal fat increased when the water temperature decreased. 3) The fatty acid of Spinibarbussinensis was more unsaturated than that of Rocypris rabaudi, which Spinibarbus sinensis wasmore active than Rocypris rabaudi.
Journal of Dalian Fisheries University