巴赫金复调小说理论脱胎于他的存在主义哲学观 ,是他哲学观的升华。契诃夫与巴赫金有着非常接近的哲学美学观 ,其作品中有对话因素 ,小说《姚尼奇》就通过对话展示了姚尼奇从一个尚有一丝志趣的青年蜕变成一个典型市侩的过程 。
Although Chekhove and Bakhtin belong to different times; both of them have a similar philosophical conception. The themes of Existentialism respect for human beings and freedom, avoiding objectification and degradation go through the literary works of Chekhov, while Bakhtin's polyphonic theory, essentially speaking, further sublimates his philosophical conception. This thesis attempts to offer an analysis of Chekhov's novel in his later period by using Bakhtin's polyphonic theory.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)