总结分析了郑州铁路局几年来依靠科技进步 ,加大资金投入 ,逐步建立了机车检测站 (中心 ) ,完成从定期检修机车入库前检测到定期检修竣工机车检测 ,并发展到大中修机车实行全面微机检测 ,改变了人工检查验收的办法 ,作为竣工验收、交接的依据 ,从而保证了机车质量 ,实现了机车检测规范化 ,达到了使机车“破故”逐年减少的目的。
This paper introduced the achievements that zhengahou railway bureau has made depending On the science and technology.These achievements included that the locomotive detection centers have been built in most locomotive depects and the computer detection techniques have been widely applied to locomotive large and middle dection and repair field,After these chenges mentioned above,the locomotive dectection work has been normalized and the locomotive failure rate has been reducet every year.
Railway Locomotive & Car