针对目前国内尚未系统地制订出铁路空调客车空气品质评定标准及国际相关标准中的不完善问题进行了分析 ,对影响铁路客车空气品质评定标准的重要因素及方法进行了探讨 ,引入了新概念 :利用对数级划分人体阈值 ,利用计权网络分析舒适度 ,利用安全因子改善标准的可靠性和经济性等 ,试图填补国内空白 ,能较好解决舒适度评定问题 ,并可为铁路客车换气节能提供理论依据。
This paper bases on the analysis that there are no systemic evaluation standards of air quality in railway air-conditioning passenger cars and that the relative international evaluation standards have some shortcomings.After discussing some important factors effecting the evaluation standards of indoor air qrality and methods,the author introduces some new ideas,for example,using threshold value to divide the threshold of man,using weight net to analyze comfort and using safety factor to improve safety property and economic feasibility of standards.This paper tries to fill the blankness of such relative domestic field and also solves the evaluation of comfort more effectively and provides theoretical guide for energy savings in controlling new air quantity in railway air-conditioning passenger cars.
Railway Locomotive & Car