国家创新系统理论认为“知识流动”导致创新的演进 ,而知识的流动过程就是信息沟通的过程。不同的信息沟通方式意味着不一样的知识流动效率 ,网状、互动性的信息沟通创新是创新系统高效率的保证。在创新系统的建构过程中 ,应充分认识不同建构手段所具有的不一样的信息沟通特征 ,把行政手段与市场手段紧密结合起来 。
The National Innovation System Theory regards 'Flow of Knowledge' as the key mechanism of innovation. However, the Flow of Knowledge is actually a process of information communication, and different ways of communicating lead to different degrees of efficiency. The net like, interactive innovation system makes highly efficient innovation available. Different management means have different characteristics of information communication, and it is better to combine the administrative means with market means to fulfill the innovation during the establishment the innovation system.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University