阐述了开发新一代企业管理信息系统的必要性 ,企业管理模式改革在企业管理信息系统建设中的重要地位 ,以及跨地区的Intranet建设 ,创建“虚拟企业” ,并给出了跨地区Intranet模型。目前多数企业实现电子商务的条件尚不成熟 ,但是 ,随着经济全球化进程的加快 ,电子商务必将成为企业管理信息系统的重要组成部分。企业在建设管理信息系统的过程中必须科学合理地规划 。
The necessity of developing a new generation of EMIS and its importance in reforming the enterprise management mode are discussed. How to build a transregional Intranet and how to create a 'virtual enterprise'are also mentioned. A transregional Intranet model is given. Under the present circumstances, the conditions for bringing about the electronic business (E business) do not exist, but with the acceleration of the development of global economy, E business will certainly become an important part of the EMIS. In order to lay a good foundation for the E business in future,the enterprises must be planned scientifically in the process of developing the management information system(MIS).