文章回顾了我国声学标准化工作的历程和成就 ,并指出新形势下的声学技术工作 ,有必要加强对标准化的认识。全国声学标准化技术委员会自从 1980年成立以来 ,成绩斐然。已公布了声学标准 10 6项 ,2 0 0 1年又通过了10项 ,正在上报审批之中。作为国际标准化组织 (ISO)的P(永久 )成员 ,今后还积极等效采用有关国际标准 ,以利于与世界经济全球一体化接轨。文章呼吁声学和工程界共同来关心和推广声学标准 ,把标准化工作与国民经济、生产建设和科技发展的结合提高到新的水平。
An overview of the acoustical standardization achievements during past decades in China is presented in this report. The author also points out that the development of technical acoustics demands more support from the standardization work.Since the National Acoustical Standardization Committee(NASC) established in 1980,106 acoustical standards were published and the other 10 acoustical standards will be published soon. As a P(permant) member of the International Organization for Standardization(ISO), NASC takes an active part in the Technical Committee of acoustic(ISO/TC43). The author makes an appeal at the acoustic and engineering community for more attention on the work of standardization and raising it to a new leavel.
Technical Acoustics