道德问题与心身健康问题并不是风牛马不相及的事情 ,事实上 ,这是一个具有非常重要的理论价值和现实意义的话题。道德修养是一种塑造人格 ,提升精神境界 ,增进社会适应能力的学习和心理训练 ;而道德观的改变往往是在经历心理危机后对人生重新审视后的格式塔式转换 。
Moral and body-mind health aren't independent. In fact, it has a very important theoretical and practical value. Moral accomplishment is learning and mental training, which can create personality, enhance spirit level and developing the power of social adapting.But the change of moral concept is always gestal transformation, for it can bring a person's new life after undergoing mental crisis. That is, it can produce effect in body and mind.
Chinese Medical Ethics