为了解《解放军医学杂志》论文作者情况 ,作者对其 1996~ 2 0 0 0年所刊学术论文的作者人数、合著类型、作者单位进行了统计分析。结果表明 :篇均作者人数为 4 .6 4 ,论文以合著为主 ,合著率 93.95 % (12 74 / 135 6 ) ;合著论文以同单位合作为主 (6 9.5 4 % ) ,其次为跨省 (市)合作 (15 .86 % )、同省(市 )合作 (13.0 3% )与国际合作 (1.5 7% ) ;作者单位以解放军总医院最多 ,占 12 .2 4 % ,其次为 4所军医大学及解放军第 30 4医院。提示期刊应扩大约稿范围 ,培养年轻作者 。
To find out the situations of the authors who published articles in Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1996~2000, the number of authors, types of collaborated articles, organizations where the authors work were investigated. The average number of authors per article was 4.64, the collaboration rate was 93 95%, most of the collaborated articles were writen by authors working in a same organization 69 54%, trans provincial collaborated articles accounted for 15 86%, collaborated articles in a same province and internationally collaborated articles accounted for 13 03% and 1 57% respectively. The results suggested that the average number of citations was very small, and the scope of contributions should be extended in order to offer more opportunities for younger authors and to increase international collaboration.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army