目的 :研究脑出血后脑水肿形成的特点。方法 :建立大鼠尾状核出血模型 ,用干湿重法分别测定不同部位的脑组织在出血后1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,7d的脑组织水分含量的变化 ,并与正常脑组织对比。结果 :脑出血后 2 4h内在血肿同侧基底节区及血肿同侧对应的皮质区形成明显的水肿 ,水肿的高峰在第 3天 ,持续 1周仍不消退 ,而血肿对侧对应的基底节区及皮质区脑组织水分含量则无明显变化。结论 :大鼠脑出血后脑水肿在 2 4h内形成 ,第 3天达到高峰 。
Aim:To investegate the characteristics of brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats and provide theoretic basis for therapy or illness evaluation in intracerebral hemorrhage patients.Methods:The model of caudate nucleus hemorrhage in rats was established.The changes of brain water content in different regions and time as 1,2,3,5,7 days after intracerebral hemorrhage were measured by the wet and dry weight methods,the result was compared with the normal rats.Results:As shown in the isilateral basal ganglia and isilateral cortex,the marked increase of brain water content was within 24 h after intracerebral hemorrhage,the peak at 3 days,and the brain edema did not disappear after 7 days,while in the contralateral basal ganglia and contralateral cortex there was no significant increase in brain water content.Conclusion:The formation of brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats was within 24 h ,its peak at 3 days.The brain edema in the intracerebral hemorrhage patients should be treated as soon as possible.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences