法律事实是依据法律规范能够引起特定法律后果的事件和行为 ,但作为规范的法律事实与判决中的法律事实是两个极为不同的概念。作为规范的法律事实是指社会生活中有关权利义务关系的行为和交往规则 ,是一种社会事实或制度事实 ;判决中的法律事实则是依据程序和证据规则认定的生活或自然事实 ,具有二重性。一方面裁判事实必须与客观事实相竞合 ,否则裁判事实作为一种事实判断就是一个伪命题 ;另一方面裁判事实必须符合规范事实 ,否则裁判事实即使符合客观事实 ,但在法律上它也只是一个无意义的命题 ,不能作为权利义务关系产生。
Juristic facts are events and acts that can produce legal consequence, but the juristic facts as norm and the juristic facts in verdict are two different concepts. The first are rules about human social behaviors and communication in relation to rights and duties, hence they are social and normative facts. The second are judgement according to legal proceedings and evidential rules about facts in life and nature, hence they are adjudicative facts of duality. On the one hand, the adjudicative fact must be consistent with the objective fact, otherwise the adjudicative fact as a fact for judgement, is a false proposition; On the other hand, the adjudicative fact must be consistent with the normative fact, otherwise the adjudicative fact is of no meaning and may not serve as the basis of authorization, change and deprivation of rights and duties even if it is consistent with the objective fact.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
juristic fact
normative fact
adjudicative fact