
基于主动网络技术的在线拍卖 被引量:1

Online Auction based on Active Network
摘要 为了解决系统客户 /服务器 (C/S)结构网络在线拍卖的不足 ,提出了一种基于主动网络技术的网络在线拍卖结构 .在主动节点上安装过滤器 ,过滤低竞争价格 ,提高了拍卖服务器的处理性能 ;在重负载的情况下实现了负载动态平衡 .服务器以主动信包的形式向主动节点发布最新竞价 ,减少网络延迟 .仿真实验表明 :该结构不仅较好地解决了传统网络结构在线拍卖系统的不足 。 An online auction architecture based on active network is proposed to remedy the drawback of the auction system based on traditional client/server (C/S) architecture. A filter is built in active network node for filtering low competitive prices to improve the performance of the auction server. It can balance dynamically load in the situation of heavy load. To reduce network delay, server announces the latest competitive price to active network node by active network packets. The experimental results show that this architecture could solve the drawback of the auction system based on traditional network architecture, and improve its performance.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期604-607,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (6 0 1730 5 9)
关键词 主动网络 主动节点 在线拍卖 过滤器 Active filters Active networks Architecture Client server computer systems
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