大学生排球训练补充ITSSN运动营养补剂 ,对心血管系统的影响不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,对判断移动应答时影响显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) .提示了ITSSN运动营养补剂丰富的糖、酸、维生素、矿物质能调节运动能力 ,使判断移动应答时保持在较高水平 .
Supplying ITSSN athletic nutritious tonic in college students′ volleyball training makes not much difference to cardiovascular system but to judging move response time (p<0.05) .My paper suggests that any rich sugar,acid ,vitamin,mineral in ITTSN athletic nutritious tonic can adjust athletic capacity and make judging move response time keep a relative high level .
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University