论述镀锌线材制品白锈生成机理并对其进行探讨。通过具体实验说明防止镀锌层产生白锈所采取措施的可行性。结合本单位实际情况 ,对制定的 3种方案进行对比 ,并对选用的方案实施后情况进行了说明。为防止镀锌产品产生白锈 ,除在工艺上采用必要手段外 。
To discuss the mechanism of white rust on galvanized steel wire.The feasibility of the measures to prevent white rust forming on zinc coating is showed by the concrete tests.According to the practices of the enterprise,three plans worked out are compared with each other,the effects of the plan carried out are given too.In order to prevent white rust on galvanized steel wire,the matters in storage and transport should be paid much attention to besides applying some essential technical methods.
Metal Products