采用氩气保护下的活性金属钎焊法对碳化硅晶须增韧氧化铝陶瓷 (Al2 O3 /SiCW)与不锈钢 ( 1Cr18Ni9Ti)进行了钎焊 ,所用钎料为Ag -Cu -Ti3活性钎料。通过X -射线衍射仪 (XRD)对界面的反应产物进行了物相分析 ,并用能谱仪 (EDAX)分析了界面元素组成。结果表明 ,钎焊接头界面的反应十分复杂 ,反应产物多种多样 ,主要有TiO、Ti2 O、TiC、Fe2 Ti4 O、Ni3 Ti、AlTi等物质 ,界面反应层按Al2 O3 +SiC/TiO +AlTi +TiC/Ti2 O +Fe2 Ti4 O/Ag -Cu的规律过渡。
Al 2O 3 ceramic (Al 2O 3/SiCW) reinforced by SiC whisker was brazed to stainless steel (1Cr18Ni9Ti) with active brazing filler metal Ag-Cu-Ti3 in argon gas. The interfacial reaction products were analysed with X-ray diffraction (XRD). The interfacial composing of elements was analysed with EDAX. It was shown that the interfacial reactions were complex and the interfacial reaction products were various, including TiO?Ti 2O?TiC?Fe 2Ti 4O?Ni 3Ti?AlTi etc. A gradual transition structures, Al 2O 3+SiC/TiO+AlTi+TiC/Ti 2O+Fe 2Ti 4O/Ag-Cu ,were formed.
Welding & Joining