随着高等教育收费制度改革力度的加大 ,家庭经济困难的学生比例日增 ,特别是在浙江省的民办二级学院中 ,这一现象更为明显。国家助学贷款政策的出台 ,有效地解决了部分经济困难家庭孩子上大学的问题。但由于宁波大学科技学院 2 0 0 1年才实施这项利国利民的政策 ,并且在实际实施过程中有一定难度。为此文章针对民办二级学院中实施国家助学贷款的现状进行了分析研究 ,提出了相应对策 。
With the further reform of higher education tuition system,the radio of students unable to pay their tuition is increasing and the phenomenon is more conspicuous in the non state,high tuition schools and colleges in our province.The formulation of grant aided loan policy has relieved has not been effective until recently and there are come difficulties in its implementation.In view of the current situation,the author has made an analysis and advanced the resolution in order to perfect the work of grant aided loan.
Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University