目的 :在小儿螺旋CT(SpiralCT ,SCT)增强扫描中 ,对欧乃派克的显影效果及安全性进行评估。方法 :对 89例小儿进行SCT增强检查 ,并对其显影效果及安全性进行分析。结果 :89例中 ,72例图像达到优等 (占 80 .9% ) ,17例图像为良好 (占 19.1% ) ,无差者。仅 5例出现轻微过敏反应 ,占全部病例的 5 .9%。结论 :欧乃派克用于小儿SCT增强扫描安全可靠 ,毒副反应甚微 。
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficien of Omnipaique in enhanced spiral CT (SCT) in children.Methods: This study was to analyze the safety and efficacy according to the enhanced STC scan in 89 cases.Results: Of the 89 patients with Omnipaique in enhanced SCT, 72 cases achieved first_rate images (80.9%), 17 cases achieved well images (19.1%) Only 5 cases are slightly allergic to it (5.9%).Conclusion: The application of Omnipaique in enhanced SCT scan is safe and credible with slightly discomfortable response and satisfied scan effect.