综观 2 0世纪美国文化 ,对外来文化的广为吸纳 ,积极移植 ;重视人的主体性的研究 ;以及务实求真的价值观念与理性思维方式 ,促成了美国文化的多元斑斓 ,铸就了美国的民族性格与文化特征。然而 ,随着晚期资本主义的到来 ,面对美国民族文化结构内在稳定关系的失衡及不协调的产生 ,如何重建理想的文化格式 ,应引起美国有识之士的警觉。
With a full view to American 20th_Century Culture,the multiple coloful features of American culture and national disposition are indebted to the wide absorption and active transplantation of foreign cultures,the emphasis on the research of human subjectivity,and the value coneept and the rational thinking mode of adhering to parctice and seeking truth.However,with the coming of late capitalism,the issues of the imbalance of American national cultural structure and how to reconstruct ideal cultural patterns should be paid attention to by American learned scholars.
Journal of Changshu College