
略论“金谷之会”的重要意义 被引量:1

On the Important significance of "Jin Gu Party
摘要 “金谷之会”曾是影响极大的盛事。但在历史尘埃中已尘封千余年之久。重新审视这一历史个案 ,考察其在文学发展中的作用 ,可以发现 ,与邺下集团的西园之会相比 ,金谷之会可说是我国第一次真正的文人聚会与集体创作活动。与建安年间曹氏的文学观念相较 ,石崇的文学思想首次体现了文人意识与纯文学创作观念的觉醒 ,突破了传统的三不朽藩篱。再从“二十四友”的创作实绩看 ,它对西晋文学的繁荣功不可没 ,对后代文人创作的影响也是深远的。 Jin Gu party'is a great event in history and it has been submerged more than one thousand years .Now looking closely at this historical event again and inspecting its effects on literary development ,we know that,compared with the 'Xi Yuan party 'of the''Ye Xia group','Jin Gu party'is the first real literary party and the first collective creation activity in our country ;compared with Cao's literary ideas in Jian.An.times,what shichong stated,for the first time embodied the consciousness of literary scholars and the awakening of pure literary creation ,and his statement broke through the fetters of the traditionol 'three immortalities'. From the achievement of the 'twenty_four friends',its meritorious service for the literary prosperity in Xijn Dynasty can not be neglected and it has great influence on the creation of later men of letters.
出处 《常熟高专学报》 2002年第3期78-81,共4页 Journal of Changshu College
关键词 意义 金谷之会 文人意识 纯文学创作 中国古代文学史 文人聚合 集体创作 Jin Gu Party' literary scholars' society pure literary creation
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  • 1徐公持编著中国社会科学院文学研究所总纂魏晋文学史[M].
  • 2逯钦立辑.先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗[M]中华书局,1983.




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