
硅钨杂多酸锂作为聚并苯/锂二次电池的新型电解质研究 被引量:1

Study on Polyacenic Semiconductor/Lithium Secondary Battery with Silicotungstic Lithium as Electrolyte
摘要 用聚并苯作正极活性材料,金属锂作负极,以硅钨杂多酸锂Li4SiW12O40代替高氯酸锂作电解质,制成了聚并苯/锂(PAS/Li)二次电池,对该二次电池的性能及影响因素尤其是Li4SiW12O40对电池容量、循环性能和自放电性质进行了系统研究.结果表明:与高氯酸理作电解质的PAS/Li二次电池相比,采用该新型电解质的二次电池不仅克服了高氯酸钾易吸水、易爆炸的不利因素,而且还具有较大的比容量和较小的自放电,循环性也很好,是一种新型、优秀的PAS/Li二次电池的电解质. PAS/Li secondary batteries empolying silicotungstic lithium substituting lithium per-chlorate as electrolytes have been prepared. The property of the secondary batteries and the factors of influencing the property have been studied. The results of the experiment indicate that the PAS/Li secondary battery employing the novel electrolyte can not only make up the shortcomings of the LiClO4 electrolyte, but also have higher capacity density and smaller self- discharge than those assembled with lithium perchlorate as electrolyte. The recycling property is well,too.
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期110-113,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
基金 辽宁省教委科研基金资助项目(9709121211) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(970099).
关键词 聚并苯/锂二次电池 硅钨杂多酸锂 电解质 电池容量 循环性能 自放电性质 Silicotungstic lithium Polyacenic semiconductor Secondary battery Electrolyte
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