江泽民“以德治国”的论述是对马克思主义国家学说的重大发展。“德治”思想在中国源远流长 ,但“以德治国”与中国传统的“德治”思想有着根本的区别。“以德治国”与“依法治国”统一于社会主义法治国家 ,它们是相辅相成、不可分割的两个方面。我们要以“以德治国”的思想为指导 。
Jiang Zeming's idea of 'the rule of morality' can be viewed as a good expansion of the Marxist state theory. It is fundamentally different from 'moral administration' -a long-standing and well-established Chinese philosophy. It complements 'the rule of law' in a socialist country. It serves as a guiding principle in the building of morality.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)