用差示扫描量热仪 (DSC)对Al 4 0Cu 1.85Mg合金和莫来石 (Mullite)纤维增强Al 4 0Cu 1.85Mg复合材料的时效行为进行了研究。结果表明 :Mullite /Al 4 .0Cu 1.85Mg复合材料及其基体合金Al 4 .0Cu 1.85Mg固溶淬火试样的DSC扫描曲线上存在较大的不同 ,GPB区形成和溶解的信息在基体合金的DSC曲线上容易辨别 ,但在复合材料的DSC曲线上则较难确认 ,表明纤维推迟和抑制了GPB区的形成。S″相和S′的析出由于纤维的引入而得到明显加快 ,放热峰值温度降低 ,激活能减小 。
The age precipitation behaviour of Al 4.0Cu 1.85Mg alloy and mullite short fibre reinforced Al 4.0Cu 1.85Mg composite has been studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).It is shown that DSC thermograms of the as quenched composite is quite different from that of the as quenched monolithic matrix alloy. The onset and dissolution of GPB zone formation is clearly observed on the DSC curves of the matrix alloy, but is hardly determined on the DSC curves of the Mullit/Al 4.0Cu 1.85Mg composite, which indicates that mullite fibre delays or suppresses GPB zone formation. The precipitation of S″ and S′phases is accelerated due to the introduction of mullite fibres, resulting in the decrease of peak temperature and activation energy and the acceleration of ageing precipitation progress.
Materials For Mechanical Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 963 10 80 )