中国经济市场化历经三个阶段 :体制外市场化阶段 ,体制内局部市场化阶段及全面展开与纵深推进阶段。目前改革的重点转移到市场经济基本制度的构成、运作以及市场主体相互间的博弈行为与过程上。在此过程中 ,深入理解市场化的内涵、设置科学的市场化测度指标、改善市场化测度方法应当引起重视。
China's market economy has experienced three stages : the stage of marketization out of system, the stage of partial marketization within system and the stage of fully spreading and deepening. At present the importance of which is being shifted towards the formation and operation of the basic systematic structure of the market economy, the game action and process of the market subject, and the setup of the scientific marketization measurement indicator and the method of marketization improvement.
Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics