中国入世以后 ,出口信用具有了更重大的现实意义。尽管我国出口信用体系建设已初见成效 ,但仍面临三个重要问题。首先 ,法律的缺位 ,导致了出口信用组织体系的含混不清 ,加剧了不必要竞争 ,不利于引导和鼓励商业性金融服务的广泛介入。因而出口信用体系法规建设的必要性甚为紧迫。其次 ,面对入世后对外经济发展环境的根本性变化以及WTO因素的影响 ,出口信用有必要调整政策导向 ,从而有利于WTO义务的履行。第三 ,为了适应我国对外直接投资的发展以及出口贸易运作方式的变化 ,出口信用服务亦应多元化。
With China's entry into the WTO, the export credit will play a more significant role in stimulating China's exports and foreign investments. However, some important issues should be noticed. Firstly, lacking legislation on official export credit instituts has resulted in the negative consequences. Therefore, legislation is essential to a functional export credit system. Secondly, facing the big changes after entry into the WTO, the guideline of export credit should be adjusted accordingly in order to benefit honoring WTO commitments. Lastly, to further facilitate China's exports and foreign investments, the export credit instituts should diversify services and expand international finance capabilities.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics