由于磨矿过程高度非线性和随机性扰动的影响 ,引起矿浆浓度频繁波动 ,采用常规的PID控制难以取得满意的效果 ,因此设计了一种基于神经网络的PID控制器控制矿浆浓度 .应用结果表明该控制器具有较好的适应能力和稳态性能 ,满足了生产需要 .
It's not satisfied with the convertional PID control because of the frequent fluctuation of the pulp consistency resulting from the high nonlinearity of the mineral grinding process and the random disturbances,hence, a neural network PID controllor is designed to control the pulp consistency. The applacition shows that this controllor has good adaptability and steady-state performance,the needs of production are met.
Journal of Nanhua University(Science & Engineering)