甲醛既是重要的有机合成原料 ,又是主要的环境污染物 ,简便快捷地检测出工业废水及某些化工产品中的游离甲醛非常重要。文中对品红醛试剂这一简便检测甲醛的方法做了研究 ,得出了甲醛含量对照表(表 1) ,并讨论其影响因素 。
Formaldehyde is an important organic synthesized material, and is also one of the major sources of environment pollution. Thus, the development of a simple and rapid detection method for this substance, especially in the industrial waste water and some chemical product is very important. A simple and convenient method using the fuchsin aldehyde reagent to test the free formaldehyde is reported in this paper. A conversion chart for the content of free formaldehyde is obtained and presented. The influencing factors and the conditions for the suitable use of this method are also discussed.