通过使用EJD— 1和活性污泥 2种菌源 ,在好氧振荡瓶和好氧曝气池中研究苯、甲苯、邻二甲苯、间二甲苯、对二甲苯的降解情况。研究结果表明 ,EJD— 1对甲苯有较好的降解效果 ,活性污泥中有大量苯系化合物的降解菌 ,也有难降解污染物邻二甲苯的降解菌。可以通过好氧振荡瓶培养法来选择好氧曝气池处理法的工艺参数。
The degradation situation of benzene,methylbenzene,ortho-xylene,meta-xylene and para-terphenyli is studied in aerobiosis vibration bottle and aerobiosis exposural pool by using EJD-1 and active sluge.The results show that EJD-1 has good degradation effect for methylbenzene.There is much bacteria which can degradate benzene series compound,also there's some which can degradate ortho-xylene.The process index of aerobiosis exposural pool treatment method can be selected by aerobiosis vibration bottle.
Arid Environmental Monitoring