The 1997 NDRHS provides valuable information for evaluating the sex rights enjoyed by married Chinese women of childbearing age and the degree of China's sex ethics. Of the 12,305 currently married women of childbearing age in this analysis,only 1. 4% and 1. 3% refuse to answer the two questions:' Can wife initiate sex?' and ' can wife refuse to have sex with husband?' indicating that the survey results are reliable. The survey results reveal that 55. 7% of urban and 39. 1% of rural women thought that they can initiate sex and it is possible to do. However, 15. 1% of urban and 33. 9% of rural women did not think so. The survey also shows that 72. 2% of urban and 57. 8% of rural women thought that wife can refuse to have sex with husband and it is possible to do, while 12. 8% of urban and 21. 9% of rural women did not think so. In general, married women of chihdbearing age in China enjoy sex rights,particularly in urban areas. However, some problems persist. Womens educational level is the most important factor affecting their sex rights. The better education they have,the more sex rights they enjoy. Therefore,improving women's educational attainments, raising social status of rural and minority women are important for safeguarding equal rights.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning