目的 探讨私立与公立学校初中生的心理健康状况。方法 用SCL-90量表和自编的定式问卷对230例私立和264例公立初中生进行了调查。结果 私立学校学生SCL-90总分及各因子分均高于公立学校学生,以各因子分≥2界定为存在某种心理异常,私立学校学生异常率为33.04%,高于公立学校学生的12.98%。前者的行为问题高于后者,如同学关系差(32.17%、15.15%)、无故旷课(10%、2.65%)、逃学(5.2%、0.04%)、违纪(26.96%、5.04%)。结论 私立学校学生心理健康状况差,且范围广,值得重视。
Objective To explore the psychological health state between private and public middle school students. Methods 230 and 264 students respectively in private and public middle school were investigated with SCL-90 and a instructed questionnaire. Results Both total scores and subscale scores of SCL-90 in private school students were significantly higher than those of in public school students. Private school students had higher rate of psychological health problems than those of public school students (33.98%vs 12.04%) (a subscale scores of SCL-90≥2) ,and higher behavioral problems,including bad relationship with classmates(32.17%vs 15.15%) ,playing truant(10%vs 2.65%) ,absent without permission(5.22%vs 0.04%), violating a ban(26.96%vs 5.3%),etc.Conclusion Psychological health state of private middle school students is poor and pervasive, should be paid more attention.
Shangdong Archives of Psychiatry