目的 再造外伤后畸形或发育不良的尺骨鹰嘴窝。方法 行肘关节软组织松解后伸直肘关节 ,标记出尺骨鹰嘴对应的鹰嘴窝部位 ,自该处软骨近端用尖嘴咬骨钳咬除骨质后掀起软骨 ,将其下方松质骨逐步咬除 ,将软骨压下成窝状 ,至鹰嘴能合适嵌入其中 ,关节能伸直为止。结果 9例患者经术后6个月~ 4年 (平均 3 0个月 )的随访 ,7例肘关节屈肘功能超过 0°、 -10°、-115° ,2例超过 0°、-11°、-10 0°。8例鹰嘴窝再造处未见明显异常 ,1例再造鹰嘴窝周围可见轻度骨质增生。
Objective To reconstruct traumatic or hypoplastic olecranon fossa.Methods After release the soft tissue at the elbow joint, mark the location correspondence to the olecranon fossa, raise the cartilage after the cortical bone was bite with the sharp bone rongeur, remove the cancellous bone under the cartilage and depress the cartilage into the shape of fossa, adjust the fossa until elbow joint can be straightened.Results 9 patients were followed up from 6 months to 4 years (average 30 months). Elbow extension and flexion were obtained beyond 0°, - 10°, - 115°at 7 cases and beyond 0°,- 11°,- 100°at 2 cases. There were no marked abnormality at the reconstructed olecranon fossa in 8 cases except light bone hyperplasia in 1 case.Conclusions Reconstruction of olecranon fossa for treatment of elbow joint stiffness in teenager can achieve satisfactory results of the elbow joint.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery