分别以饲料氨基酸含量、可利用氨基酸含量为基础 ,估计了肉仔鸡两次饲养试验所用试验日粮的饲料理想蛋白质水平和氨基酸平衡指数 ,并对两种参数的估计结果与日增重、肉料比和蛋白质效价的相关性进行了比较分析。结果表明 ,以可利用氨基酸为基础评定饲料蛋白质营养价值的准确性和灵敏性明显优于以氨基酸为基础的评定结果 。
Ideal protein level and index of amino acid balance of broiler diet used in twice feeding experiment were evaluated based on amino acid content and available amino acid content in present experiment. The relationship between assessment result of two parameters and daily gain, feed conversion and protein valence were studied. The results showed: The sensitivity and accuracy of assessment feed protein nutritive value based on available amino acid content was much better than that based on amino acid content.We hope from now on feed formula design, feedprotein nutritive value assessment and poultry production forecast should base on available amino acid content.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica