随着经济和社会的发展 ,我国妇女的社会地位大大提高 ,但是 ,中国男女两性社会地位的总体差距和分层差距仍然存在 ,其中在收入方面与男性的差距尤为明显 ,这是目前我国分配领域里的一个突出的问题。本文对于男女收入差距的现状及其产生的原因进行了分析论证 ,指出只有缩小乃至最终消除男女劳动力的收入差别 ,彻底消除性别收入歧视 ,才有可能实现真正意义上的男女平等 。
The social position of Chinese women has obtained an obvious improvement in many respects with the development of economy and society of China. But the overall disparity and the disparity in administrative levels still exist. Especially, the difference in income of both is very elear. The unequal situation is a protrusive problem in the present distribution of income in China. The paper analysed and demonstrated the present state and cause of difference in income between men and women, pointed that only when the difference is reduced and eventually eliminated, the sex discrimination is thoroughly dispeled, then the true equality of men and women will be realized. Therefore, the study on countermeasure for eliminating the sex discrimination is very important.
Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College