Objective:Study the effect of insulin' s improving the nerve function defect caused by the acute cerebrovascula r diseaes.Methods:Choose the in-patients,all of whom a re mediunly or seriousely ill;divid e them into two groups:the cure group and the comparison group.The f ormer are treated by both insulinoth erapy and the basic cure and the latte r,only the basic cure.Assess every patient ' s degree of the clinical nerve functi on defect,the degree before the trea tment and two weeks and six weeks after treatment.Results:the marks of the two groups are respec tively:31.27±5.46?23.67±4.53?18.43±5.28and30.83±5.07?26.47±4.29?22.33±3.75.The decreased marl of th e cure group is more than 4,which is notable to compare with the comparison group.Couclusion:The prelimnarily shows that insulin can produce the effect of improving t he nerve func-tion defect caused by the acute cereb rovascular disease.It' s worth further study and wider sprea d.
Journal of Jinggangshan Medical College