决策离不开知识 ,从数据库中采掘知识 ,是解决信息爆炸和知识贫乏的有效途径。文中就当前数据开采的几种新方法 ,即粗集、证据理论和云模型等方法的研究现状进行了评述 ,指出其存在的问题。最后指出数据开采方法面临的挑战。
Knowledge is vital to decision. In order to solve the problem, we are drowning in data, but starving for information, some main data mining methods, for example rough sets, evidential theory and cloud model, are reviewed in detail and the difficulty existing in them and research focuses in the future are pointed out in this paper. From the higher level, the methods are used limited to a certain circumstances but their integration can improve the situation.
Information Technology