由于 Rb、Sr 在表生过程中地球化学性质的明显差异,不同的封闭湖盆接纳的各种气候条件下形成的连续沉积物具有明显不同含量的 Rb、Sr,沉积物 Rb/Sr 比值的变化序列可以反映流域经历的化学风化及气候演变历程。利用湖泊沉积物记录的 Rb/Sr 比值反演流域古环境变迁比利用海洋沉积物、黄土-古土壤更直接,减少了不确定性,优势明显。
Due to different geochemical nature between rubidium (Rb)and strontium(Sr)during the earth's surface processes,the sediments deposited continuously in a closed lake under different paleoclimatic conditions display variations in Rb and Sr distribution, reflecting intensities of chemical weathering in a single watershed by variations in the Rb/Sr ratios.Furthermore,due to continuous deposition,high-resolution and stable source in the closed basins,the reconstruction of paleoclimate by the variation of the Rb/Sr ratios in the sediments might give a greater advantage than by that of the ocean sediments and the loess-paleosol sequence.
Science Technology and Engineering