证券资本市场是广西大开发中资本聚集的重要载体。但当前广西资本市场的发展状况与其经济发展水平相比存在明显差距。广西要积极鼓励企业与证券资本市场联姻 ;加大资本运作力度 ,适时引进优质资产 ;大力发展中介机构 ,提高广西券商的竞争能力。
Stork capital market is the important carrier of capital for Guangxi large-scale development. But nowadays, in Guangxi, the development condition of stock capital market does not meet with the requirements of Guangxi economic development level. Consequently, Guangxi must actively encourage the alliance of enterprises and stock capital market; strengthen capital operation; timely introduce advantageous capital; increase the number of intermediary agency; heighten the competitive power of shareholders in Guangxi.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management