绿色食品生产是我国一项新兴产业 ,代表着农业发展的方向。绿色食品产业的发展 ,要从实施可持续发展战略的高度 ,提高公众对其重要性的认识 ;在全社会倡导绿色消费 ,为绿色食品产业提供广阔的市场空间 ;大力推进产业化经营模式 。
Green food production marking the trend of agricultu re is a new industry.Green food should be known from the level of sustainable deve lopment.Markets should be enlarged by the expense of green food of the public.Ma rketing ways should be improved and the moderation of the green food production should be enlarged by the expense of free food of the public;marketing ways shou ld be improved and the moderation of the green food production should be acceler ated
Journal of Nanyang Normal University