尚可喜降金与毛文龙之死是密切相关的 ,毛文龙被杀后 ,东江镇的形势发生了巨大变化 ,内部相互攻杀兼并 ,在这种兼并斗争中 ,尚可喜与沈世魁结下了不解之怨 ,沈世魁日后“寅缘得岛帅” ,便欲置尚可喜于死地 ,尚可喜走投无路 ,被迫走上了降金的道路。可以说 ,尚可喜的降金是毛文龙死后东江镇形势变化的结果 ,毛文龙之死是构成尚可喜降金的间接原因。
After MAO Wen long being dead,situation in Dongjiang had changed.MAO Wen long's troops fought each other.In the war,SHANG Ke xi and SHEN Shi kui had a hostility.SHEN Shi kui became the commander of Dongjiang,and then he wanted to kill SHANG ke xi.SHANG Ke xi had no way out,and he had to surrender to Jin.In a word,SHANG Ke xi surredered to Jin because of the situation,which had changed after MAO Wen long died.
Journal of Anshan Normal University