关于西晋太康时代“三张二陆两潘一左”之人品与文品,历来褒贬纷纭,令人莫衷一是。为避免偏执一端而不及其余,应该在广泛清理原始文献的基础上,将“潘陆张左”以及傅玄、张华、挚虞等作为一个较大的文人群落加以综合研究,同时从政治斗争、文化思潮、士人交游等多方面作往来穿梭般的立体考察,于 复杂的社会背景与人际关系中认识一个作家的人生,并评价其人格。遵循这一思路,可以勾勒出张华的人生道路与人格精神:一、起自寒微,涅而不缁;二、才奇勋著,名高望重;三、亦儒亦道、弥缝补阙。
Pan Yue, Lu Ji, Zhang Xie and Zuo Si, etc., were all the important writers in early Jin dynasty. But, how after all remark them? Opinions are widely divided. With deeper understanding of the development of early Jin literature, I have come to believe that isolated study directed to a particular poet will not always be sufficiently rewarding; instead, a more comprehensive examination on the aesthetic pursuits and orientations of all the tendencies of the whole period, with due consideration given to political climates, the spirit of the age, cultural environments, etc. will reveal the truth of poetic development in the early Jin dynasty, in a more rational and, therefore, more convincing manner. Following this way of thinking, this thesis just is the monograph about ZHANG Hua.
JIANG Jian yun(College of Humanities, Hebei University, Baoding, 071002, China)
Journal of Teachers College of Shanxi University