加入WTO ,中国企业面临严峻的考验。若要在激烈的国际竞争中站稳脚跟 ,立于不败之地 ,就必须认清新形势 ,把握机遇 ,全面提升企业的综合经营管理水平 ,积极迎接“入世”的挑战。本文拟从加强企业管理 ,应对“入世”的若干问题进行分析和思考 ,以期增强中国企业的竞争优势。
Chinese enterprises are faced with dramatic challenges affter our WTO accession.To get a firm foothold in the highly competitive world market,we should make serious studies of the post WTO situation in order to seize the opportunity,improve all round business management and administration competency and increase Chinese enterprises strength to meet the challenge with success.
Journal of Lujiang University