英语新闻报道标题表达形式独特。从语法角度来说 ,它常常采用省略形式 ,时态的运用灵活 ,并可以用标点符号代替单词等。在词汇方面 ,经常使用“缩略词”或“截头去尾”的缩短词 ,并利用一些修辞手法来达到简明有力。
The headlines of English newspapers have particular written expressions of their own. In the aspect of grammar, ellipses are often used and the usage of tenses are variable. Sometimes punctuations can be used instead of English words. In the aspect of vocabulary, the usage of abbreviation and acronyms is very common, and the rhetorical methods are also necessary to achieve the function of being precise and giving prominence to the theme of the article.
Journal of Qingdao Education College