薄层色谱 -氢火焰离子化检测器 (TLC/FID)分析重油族组成时需要引入校正因子 ,此研究以洗脱色谱法为基准测定校正因子 ,通过配制混合试样并且测定其校正因子研究了校正因子物理意义 ;同时还测定了多种重油试样的校正因子 ,分别校正不同类型的试样 ,获得了较满意的族组成分析结果。另外 。
It is necessary to introduce correction factors in analyzing hydrocarbon group t ype of heavy oil by TLC/FID technique.Ba sed on elution chromatography(EC),the co rrection factors of mixture samples and various kinds of heavy oil were determin ed.Their physical meanings were investig ated,and they were used to correct the q uan titative results of hydrocarbon group ty pe. The results obtained by this method were compared with those from elution chroma tography(EC).The deviation between the r esult s obtained from the two methods was belo w 3% .The TLC/FID method,with better repeatab ility,shorter time of testing and simple r operation,can be used as an alternativ e for determining the hydrocarbon compos ition of heavy oil. The investigation has also proved that c orrection factors include the informatio n about qualities and configuration of h ydrocarbon group type of heavy oil,such as density,average relative molecular ma ss,hete roatom mass fraction,distillation range, aromatic degree,polarity,and volatility together with solvent.Heavy oil may be c lassified by each groups qualities on t he basis of correction factors. Moreover,correction factors provide info rmation for evaluating quality of petrol eum products and selecting appropriate c onditions of petroleum processing.
Petrochemical Technology