本文介绍了一种能对智能建筑弱电线缆的通、断、错接、允许传输的波特率、线路的阻抗、模拟信号衰减的性能进行测试的便携式仪器设计思路 ,讨论了用数模转换器 (DAC) ,而不是模数转换器 (ADC)对模拟量进行量化 。
This paper proposes an instrument which can measure the wiring specific property, such as short circuit, open circuit, error connection, baud rate, resistor and analog attenuation intelligent building weak electric current transmit system. It is DAC that can be used in analog to digital, not is ADC. When DAC is used in analog to digital, this paper discuss the theory which can working correctly.The instrument is small, low power, easy to use in wiring measurement.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation