以NaCl作选择压力 ,将长期继代培养的葡萄愈伤组织经正选择方法筛选出耐 0 .75 %NaCl的变异细胞系 ,并对其进行了生理生化特性研究 .发现耐盐细胞系对逆境的忍受能力远高于对照系 .而且变异系细胞的游离脯氨酸含量明显高于对照系 ,是对照系的 4 .2 6倍 ,游离氨基酸的总量是对照系的 1.2倍 .在盐压下 ,耐盐细胞系的K+ 含量总是高于对照系 ,而Na+ 含量则低于对照系 ,同时维持着较高的K+ /Na+ 比值 .
A variant cell line of grape tolerant to 0.75% NaCl is isolated from long term cultured calluses by using NaCl as selection pressure. The physiological and biochemical properties of this salt tolerant cell line are analyzed. The experiments show that the stress tolerance of the salt tolerant cell line is much higher than that of wild type. The amino acid analysis indicates that the contents of proline and total amino acid in variant callus are 4.6 fold and 1.02-fold higher than that in wild type respectively. Under the salt stress condition, the variant cell line can maintain higher K + and lower Na + content than that in wild type. However, compared with the wild type, a higher K +/Na + ratio can be kept in the salt tolerant cell line.
Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology